Au Revoir Summer… More Seasonal Fun with Friends Coming Up!

My daughter is pretending to be a teacher teaching Spanish and French right now to her imaginary “campers.” I couldn’t have imagined how these experiences would have shaped her or the other other children, and especially myself. And I hope, through the language, art and crafts and recipes we’ve shared this summer, the memories and…

Losing Control & Finding Gratitude: A not-so-zen journey

I am not what you think of when you think of a yogi. I cuss too much, drink too much and sometimes eat cheese balls. I’m not “zen.” I’m a high-energy-over-achieving-perfectionist-fire-sign-pitta person. So those things are naturally kind of in opposition. Though I’m still flexible and able to do all the poses pretty perfectly, my…

How a Simple Summer Salad Meant Much More

This has been probably the most rewarding dish we’ve made all summer. Partly because everything came from our first-ever successful garden, and partly because my soon-to-be four-year-old Hazel helped me make the whole dish, set the table and serve it. And, it was the first time this week I carved out time to be in…